How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version

I have experienced problems with one of the 2 USBasp programmers we have at MakeRiga and decided to flash the firmware. Here's how to do it.

  1. Usbasp Avr Programmer Driver
  2. Usbasp Update
  3. How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version Windows 7
  4. Usbasp Programmer Software
  • Download the latest firmware from At the time of writing this it was
  • Extract the archive
  • There are 3 firmwares inside the usbasp.2011-05-28binfirmware directory: usbasp.atmega88.2011-05-28.hex, usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex and usbasp.atmega48.2009-02-28.hex. The difference between them is the target micro-controller. Check which one you have.

Therefore, there is no need to burn the bootloader firmware again if you are getting an Arduino Board. Step 1: Get an AVR USBASP programmer. The USBasp programmer can be obtained from here. Step 2: Connect the USBASP programmer to the Arduino Board. The socket from USBasp to ICSP connector on Arduino Board is not compatible. This video shows how to upgrade usbas programmer firmware to the latest firmware. Please like my video and subscribe my channel. Thanks for watching.

How To Check Usbasp Firmware VersionUsbasp update
  • To update the firmware you also need to set jumper J2 on the USBasp to update as explained in the Readme.txt
  • Set both USBasp to 5V on jumper J1 and connect them via a 10 pin cable
  • Finally connect the programmer to the computer USB port

Usbasp Avr Programmer Driver

  • Now let's get to avrdude. Copy the correct firmware to the avrdude directory.
  • Backup the original firmware. You'll need to replace VARIABLE with your micro-controller version: atmega8, atmega48 or atmega88
How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version

Usbasp Update

avrdude -c usbasp -p VARIABLE -U flash:r:flash-usbasp.bin:r

  • To write the latest firmware. Replace FIRMWARE with your firmware

How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version Windows 7

avrdude -c usbasp -p VARIABLE -U flash:w:FIRMWARE

Usbasp Programmer Software

That's it!