Create A Windows Boot Disk With Unetbootin

How to Create Bootable USB Using UNetbootin. Make your Removable Disk, Flash Drive, Memory Card Bootable with Windows, Linux OS.
With UNetbootin, you can create bootable USB, this helps to install Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, Red Hat etc.) OS on your Computer System.
The processes listed below will guide you on how to make your Removable Disk, Flash Disk, Hard Disk and Memory Card Bootable:
Guide on How to load UNetbootin and create a Bootable operating system (OS) unto a USB drive.
1) Download UNetbootin.
2) Launch UNetbootin.

3) On the distribution tab, select distribution type in which you want to create bootable OS and select the OS version (IN here, I selected Ubuntu Version 16.04 x64 bit).
Create usb boot disk windows 4) The distribution can be downloaded online automatically, but if you have a disk image, check on DiskimageWindows
5) Check Diskimage, press the three dots … to go to the location of the ISO image of the OS and then click on open.

Create Bootable USB Drive for Windows 10 using Disk Utility. Creating Windows 10 USB Bootable drive for Windows 10 using Disk Utility is totally simple. In here you need just some changes in format, and scheme, therefore, the procedure of creating USB Drive for macOS and Windows are the same. And from our Blog, you can also find different kinds. Launch the Boot Cam Assistant from Utilities, then check the two options: Create a Windows installation disk and Install Windows 7 or later version. Click Continue to proceed. When you go to this step, Boot Cam Assistant will detect and locate your ISO image file, click choose button to find and import the right one, and click continue.

6) Make right USB drive is selected and then click on OK.
7) UNetbootin will begin the process which is usually divided into four,
i. Download files

Create Bootable Usb With Unetbootin

ii. Extracting and Copying Files

Create Windows Boot Disk Cmd

iii. Installing Bootloader
Create A Windows Boot Disk With Unetbootin iv) Installation Complete.

Create Usb Boot Disk Windows

The process is quite fast.
Hope with this, you have been able to learn How to Create Bootable USB Using UNetbootin. Make your Removable Disk, Flash Drive, Memory Card Bootable with Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, Red Hat etc. ) OS.
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Windows Create Boot Usb

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